The club is supported by a number of coaches and they offer a range of services which are very much appreciated by many members. These include:
- One to one coaching
- Group coaching
- Social tennis events
- Ball projector hire (Marko)
- Racket restringing (Marko)
Coaching sessions are for one hour and costs are negotiable. All coaches pay a percentage of their fee to the club and this provides an important revenue stream to the club. The ball machine can be rented by the hour. Please talk to Marko directly if you’re interested.
SOCIAL TENNIS/ LIVEBALL: Group coaching sessions, Liveball and social tennis are all ways to meet other club members and improve your game. A pair of players or a group will help to reduce individual costs. Speak to the coaches about other ways to reduce the price.
- Contact Marko for Thursday LiveBall
- Contact Ray for Tuesday social tennis
- Contact Bernard for Thursday social tennis: 0750 866 9197