Division 4: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jesus Lopez 1 1 100.00
1 Rob Darlington 1 1 100.00
3 Bruce Harlow 21 24 87.50
4 Magnus Dyer 16 19 84.21
5 James Prevost 10 12 83.33
6 Simon Bentley 14 18 77.78
7 Mitch Tobe 6 8 75.00
8 Sean Roche 11 15 73.33
9 Denis Hawke 9 13 69.23
10 Shane Price 8 12 66.67
11 James Scott 2 3 66.67
11 Rodrigo Lostaunau 2 3 66.67
13 Les Stalewski 11 19 57.89
14 Phil Forbes 5 9 55.56
15 Walter Kriebitzsch 6 11 54.55
16 Wayne Reid 7 13 53.85
17 Jason Rigby 8 16 50.00
18 Vinay Mishra 7 14 50.00
19 Andrew Gallpen 6 12 50.00
20 Jeffery Smith 1 2 50.00
21 Andrew L'Almont 7 17 41.18
22 Robert Yunie 4 12 33.33
23 Frederick Robins 4 13 30.77
24 Christopher Bassa 5 17 29.41
24 Christopher Knudsen 5 17 29.41
26 Brett Birch 4 14 28.57
27 Les O'Brien 4 15 26.67
28 Dean Anderson 3 19 15.79
29 Graham Carter 2 14 14.29
30 Peter Chirico 1 7 14.29
31 patrick dean 0 10 0.00
32 Simon Lamb 0 1 0.00
32 Claudine Kelly 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Magnus Dyer 1021
2 Simon Bentley 1018
3 Jesus Lopez 1008
4 James Prevost 996
5 Jeffery Smith 990
6 Robert Yunie 984
7 Andrew L'Almont 975
8 Jason Rigby 973
9 Mitch Tobe 963
10 Walter Kriebitzsch 950
11 Shane Price 948
12 Bruce Harlow 943
13 Rob Darlington 929
14 Wayne Reid 928
15 James Scott 909
16 Vinay Mishra 907
17 Graham Carter 899
18 Frederick Robins 883
19 Denis Hawke 869
20 Sean Roche 850
21 Les O'Brien 841
22 Christopher Knudsen 821
23 Rodrigo Lostaunau 804
24 Claudine Kelly 799
25 Les Stalewski 796
26 Andrew Gallpen 785
27 Brett Birch 782
28 Phil Forbes 779
29 Christopher Bassa 771
30 Simon Lamb 760
31 Peter Chirico 754
32 Dean Anderson 744
33 patrick dean 664
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Magnus Dyer 84.21 16 3
2 James Prevost 100.00 6 0
3 Sean Roche 100.00 7 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Simon Bentley 2 2 100.00
2 Rob Darlington 1 1 100.00
2 Rodrigo Lostaunau 1 1 100.00
4 Mitch Tobe 3 4 75.00
5 Denis Hawke 2 3 66.67
6 Magnus Dyer 5 8 62.50
7 Sean Roche 3 6 50.00
7 Wayne Reid 3 6 50.00
9 Shane Price 2 4 50.00
10 James Prevost 1 2 50.00
10 Bruce Harlow 1 2 50.00
12 Jason Rigby 5 11 45.45
13 Les Stalewski 3 9 33.33
14 Walter Kriebitzsch 1 3 33.33
15 Vinay Mishra 2 7 28.57
16 Andrew L'Almont 1 4 25.00
16 Phil Forbes 1 4 25.00
16 Andrew Gallpen 1 4 25.00
19 Brett Birch 2 9 22.22
20 Les O'Brien 2 11 18.18
21 Peter Chirico 1 7 14.29
22 Christopher Knudsen 1 11 9.09
23 Graham Carter 1 12 8.33
24 Dean Anderson 1 15 6.67
25 patrick dean 9 0.00
25 Frederick Robins 9 0.00
27 Christopher Bassa 7 0.00
28 Robert Yunie 4 0.00
29 Simon Lamb 1 0.00
29 Claudine Kelly 1 0.00
29 James Scott 1 0.00
29 Jeffery Smith 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Jesus Lopez 600 1008 408
2 Brett Birch 600 782 182
3 Christopher Bassa 600 771 171
4 Jason Rigby 853 973 120
5 Mitch Tobe 877 963 86
6 Magnus Dyer 946 1021 75
7 Sean Roche 780 850 70
8 James Prevost 951 996 45
9 Phil Forbes 742 779 37
10 Rob Darlington 894 929 35
11 Vinay Mishra 873 907 34
12 Walter Kriebitzsch 918 950 32
13 Simon Lamb 733 760 27
14 Shane Price 928 948 20
15 Denis Hawke 853 869 16
16 Frederick Robins 870 883 13
17 Jeffery Smith 978 990 12
18 Les Stalewski 785 796 11
19 Les O'Brien 830 841 11
20 Wayne Reid 919 928 9
21 Simon Bentley 1018 1018 0
22 Graham Carter 900 899 -1
23 patrick dean 666 664 -2
24 Peter Chirico 756 754 -2
25 Dean Anderson 747 744 -3
26 James Scott 914 909 -5
27 Bruce Harlow 949 943 -6
28 Andrew Gallpen 792 785 -7
29 Christopher Knudsen 829 821 -8
30 Rodrigo Lostaunau 819 804 -15
31 Claudine Kelly 818 799 -19
32 Andrew L'Almont 1023 975 -48
33 Robert Yunie 1032 984 -48
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 patrick dean 10 10 100.00
2 Simon Lamb 1 1 100.00
2 Claudine Kelly 1 1 100.00
4 Graham Carter 12 14 85.71
5 Peter Chirico 6 7 85.71
6 Dean Anderson 16 19 84.21
7 Les O'Brien 11 15 73.33
8 Brett Birch 10 14 71.43
9 Christopher Bassa 12 17 70.59
9 Christopher Knudsen 12 17 70.59
11 Frederick Robins 9 13 69.23
12 Robert Yunie 8 12 66.67
13 Andrew L'Almont 10 17 58.82
14 Jason Rigby 8 16 50.00
15 Vinay Mishra 7 14 50.00
16 Andrew Gallpen 6 12 50.00
17 Jeffery Smith 1 2 50.00
18 Wayne Reid 6 13 46.15
19 Walter Kriebitzsch 5 11 45.45
20 Phil Forbes 4 9 44.44
21 Les Stalewski 8 19 42.11
22 Shane Price 4 12 33.33
23 James Scott 1 3 33.33
23 Rodrigo Lostaunau 1 3 33.33
25 Denis Hawke 4 13 30.77
26 Sean Roche 4 15 26.67
27 Mitch Tobe 2 8 25.00
28 Simon Bentley 4 18 22.22
29 James Prevost 2 12 16.67
30 Magnus Dyer 3 19 15.79
31 Bruce Harlow 3 24 12.50
32 Jesus Lopez 0 1 0.00
32 Rob Darlington 0 1 0.00