Premier League: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Ryan Ashcroft 7 7 100.00
2 Nathan Laver 4 4 100.00
3 michael bolton 10 11 90.91
4 Elvir Dozo 8 9 88.89
5 Damien Collins 6 8 75.00
6 Zachery Zammit 6 9 66.67
7 Shane Byrne 5 8 62.50
8 Darren Ireland 5 9 55.56
9 Rob Pezzutto 6 11 54.55
10 Matthew Delaney 7 13 53.85
11 David Cuskelly 5 10 50.00
12 Mark Xuereb 4 9 44.44
12 Tom Blake 4 9 44.44
14 Simon Binks 2 5 40.00
15 Troy Mountford 5 13 38.46
16 Tristan Lewis 4 11 36.36
17 Will Croker 3 9 33.33
18 Raymond Payne 2 8 25.00
19 Gavin Borg 1 9 11.11
19 Peter Bullman 1 9 11.11
21 Ian Gates 0 8 0.00
22 Nathan Burns 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 michael bolton 1717
2 Zachery Zammit 1687
3 Shane Byrne 1669
4 Tristan Lewis 1636
5 Tom Blake 1628
6 Ryan Ashcroft 1626
7 Rob Pezzutto 1584
8 Troy Mountford 1569
9 Elvir Dozo 1560
10 Raymond Payne 1545
11 Darren Ireland 1541
12 Nathan Laver 1523
13 Damien Collins 1515
14 Will Croker 1507
15 Mark Xuereb 1490
16 Ian Gates 1447
17 Matthew Delaney 1444
18 David Cuskelly 1441
19 Simon Binks 1426
19 Peter Bullman 1426
21 Gavin Borg 1417
22 Nathan Burns 1350
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 michael bolton 90.91 10 1
2 Ryan Ashcroft 100.00 6 0
3 Damien Collins 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Simon Binks 2 4 50.00
2 Elvir Dozo 1 2 50.00
3 David Cuskelly 4 9 44.44
4 Zachery Zammit 2 5 40.00
5 Darren Ireland 1 5 20.00
5 Rob Pezzutto 1 5 20.00
5 Matthew Delaney 1 5 20.00
8 Mark Xuereb 1 6 16.67
9 Will Croker 1 7 14.29
9 Tristan Lewis 1 7 14.29
11 Gavin Borg 1 8 12.50
12 Ian Gates 8 0.00
13 Troy Mountford 7 0.00
14 Raymond Payne 4 0.00
14 Tom Blake 4 0.00
14 Peter Bullman 4 0.00
17 Shane Byrne 2 0.00
17 Damien Collins 2 0.00
19 Nathan Burns 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Ryan Ashcroft 1581 1626 45
2 Zachery Zammit 1653 1687 34
3 michael bolton 1684 1717 33
4 David Cuskelly 1415 1441 26
5 Nathan Laver 1501 1523 22
6 Damien Collins 1501 1515 14
7 Mark Xuereb 1478 1490 12
8 Elvir Dozo 1550 1560 10
9 Rob Pezzutto 1580 1584 4
10 Darren Ireland 1537 1541 4
10 Will Croker 1503 1507 4
12 Matthew Delaney 1442 1444 2
13 Nathan Burns 1356 1350 -6
14 Tristan Lewis 1643 1636 -7
15 Gavin Borg 1425 1417 -8
16 Troy Mountford 1578 1569 -9
17 Shane Byrne 1680 1669 -11
18 Ian Gates 1459 1447 -12
19 Simon Binks 1440 1426 -14
20 Peter Bullman 1447 1426 -21
21 Tom Blake 1650 1628 -22
22 Raymond Payne 1569 1545 -24
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Ian Gates 8 8 100.00
2 Nathan Burns 1 1 100.00
3 Gavin Borg 8 9 88.89
3 Peter Bullman 8 9 88.89
5 Raymond Payne 6 8 75.00
6 Will Croker 6 9 66.67
7 Tristan Lewis 7 11 63.64
8 Troy Mountford 8 13 61.54
9 Simon Binks 3 5 60.00
10 Mark Xuereb 5 9 55.56
10 Tom Blake 5 9 55.56
12 David Cuskelly 5 10 50.00
13 Matthew Delaney 6 13 46.15
14 Rob Pezzutto 5 11 45.45
15 Darren Ireland 4 9 44.44
16 Shane Byrne 3 8 37.50
17 Zachery Zammit 3 9 33.33
18 Damien Collins 2 8 25.00
19 Elvir Dozo 1 9 11.11
20 michael bolton 1 11 9.09
21 Ryan Ashcroft 0 7 0.00
22 Nathan Laver 0 4 0.00