Premier - Wednesday: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Thomas Calvert 17 17 100.00
2 Graeme Cumming 12 12 100.00
3 Fletcher Hall 11 14 78.57
4 Thomas Grose 11 15 73.33
5 Corey Bedingfield 9 13 69.23
6 Liam Schnek 10 15 66.67
7 Matt Hall 10 16 62.50
8 Andrew Nowland 6 10 60.00
9 Harrison Barnett 7 13 53.85
10 Harry Burgess 8 16 50.00
11 Lauren Illig 1 2 50.00
12 Graham Mackay 7 16 43.75
13 Daniel Conlin 3 8 37.50
14 Mitchell Rolls 6 17 35.29
15 Gary Fisk 1 3 33.33
16 Harrison Dale 3 10 30.00
17 Lachlan Whyborn 4 17 23.53
18 Zac Evans 3 13 23.08
19 Robert Whelan 3 14 21.43
20 Declan-Ray Smith 2 13 15.38
21 Leo Rice 1 9 11.11
22 Matt Dale 0 4 0.00
23 Craig Marriott 0 1 0.00
23 Greg Rebetzke 0 1 0.00
23 Bogart Lamprey 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Thomas Calvert 1756
2 Corey Bedingfield 1620
3 Harry Burgess 1608
4 Graham Mackay 1548
5 Declan-Ray Smith 1526
6 Zac Evans 1465
7 Gary Fisk 1456
8 Matt Hall 1450
8 Liam Schnek 1450
10 Fletcher Hall 1446
10 Andrew Nowland 1446
12 Thomas Grose 1437
13 Graeme Cumming 1433
14 Mitchell Rolls 1420
15 Harrison Dale 1404
16 Robert Whelan 1391
17 Harrison Barnett 1386
18 Daniel Conlin 1370
19 Lachlan Whyborn 1369
20 Leo Rice 1366
21 Craig Marriott 1335
22 Matt Dale 1328
23 Greg Rebetzke 1314
24 Lauren Illig 1288
25 Bogart Lamprey 1218
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Thomas Calvert 100.00 17 0
2 Fletcher Hall 78.57 11 3
3 Graeme Cumming 100.00 12 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Graeme Cumming 4 4 100.00
2 Liam Schnek 2 2 100.00
3 Thomas Grose 5 7 71.43
4 Fletcher Hall 2 3 66.67
5 Matt Hall 2 4 50.00
6 Lauren Illig 1 2 50.00
7 Harrison Barnett 3 7 42.86
8 Robert Whelan 3 9 33.33
9 Gary Fisk 1 3 33.33
10 Harrison Dale 3 10 30.00
11 Mitchell Rolls 3 13 23.08
12 Graham Mackay 2 10 20.00
13 Zac Evans 2 12 16.67
14 Lachlan Whyborn 1 6 16.67
14 Daniel Conlin 1 6 16.67
16 Leo Rice 1 9 11.11
17 Declan-Ray Smith 11 0.00
18 Harry Burgess 5 0.00
19 Matt Dale 4 0.00
20 Corey Bedingfield 3 0.00
21 Craig Marriott 1 0.00
21 Greg Rebetzke 1 0.00
21 Bogart Lamprey 1 0.00
21 Andrew Nowland 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Zac Evans 1404 1465 61
2 Graham Mackay 1495 1548 53
3 Liam Schnek 1398 1450 52
4 Harrison Dale 1352 1404 52
5 Graeme Cumming 1382 1433 51
6 Daniel Conlin 1324 1370 46
7 Mitchell Rolls 1381 1420 39
8 Corey Bedingfield 1604 1620 16
9 Thomas Grose 1422 1437 15
10 Lauren Illig 1274 1288 14
11 Thomas Calvert 1745 1756 11
12 Robert Whelan 1380 1391 11
13 Fletcher Hall 1438 1446 8
14 Harrison Barnett 1379 1386 7
15 Bogart Lamprey 1214 1218 4
16 Harry Burgess 1605 1608 3
17 Gary Fisk 1453 1456 3
18 Matt Dale 1332 1328 -4
19 Leo Rice 1372 1366 -6
20 Declan-Ray Smith 1534 1526 -8
21 Greg Rebetzke 1326 1314 -12
22 Craig Marriott 1348 1335 -13
23 Matt Hall 1467 1450 -17
24 Andrew Nowland 1465 1446 -19
25 Lachlan Whyborn 1452 1369 -83
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Matt Dale 4 4 100.00
2 Craig Marriott 1 1 100.00
2 Greg Rebetzke 1 1 100.00
2 Bogart Lamprey 1 1 100.00
5 Leo Rice 8 9 88.89
6 Declan-Ray Smith 11 13 84.62
7 Robert Whelan 11 14 78.57
8 Zac Evans 10 13 76.92
9 Lachlan Whyborn 13 17 76.47
10 Harrison Dale 7 10 70.00
11 Gary Fisk 2 3 66.67
12 Mitchell Rolls 11 17 64.71
13 Daniel Conlin 5 8 62.50
14 Graham Mackay 9 16 56.25
15 Harry Burgess 8 16 50.00
16 Lauren Illig 1 2 50.00
17 Harrison Barnett 6 13 46.15
18 Andrew Nowland 4 10 40.00
19 Matt Hall 6 16 37.50
20 Liam Schnek 5 15 33.33
21 Corey Bedingfield 4 13 30.77
22 Thomas Grose 4 15 26.67
23 Fletcher Hall 3 14 21.43
24 Thomas Calvert 0 17 0.00
25 Graeme Cumming 0 12 0.00