Men's 1.2: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 David Griesel 9 9 100.00
1 Brad James 9 9 100.00
3 Sean Zeegers 6 6 100.00
3 Fausto PIETROBON 6 6 100.00
5 Julian LEE 3 3 100.00
5 Paul Holmes 3 3 100.00
5 Richard Levey 3 3 100.00
5 Clive Fenton 3 3 100.00
5 Riekerd Labuschagne 3 3 100.00
5 Vasilios CARIPI 3 3 100.00
5 Demetrius CARIPI 3 3 100.00
12 Chris Boulle 8 9 88.89
12 Alex Cook 8 9 88.89
14 Andrew Cook 5 6 83.33
15 Warren Fine 6 9 66.67
15 Luca Muscardin 6 9 66.67
17 Geoff Jennett 2 3 66.67
17 Neil Van Asselt 2 3 66.67
17 Grant van den Berg 2 3 66.67
17 Wayne Viljoen 2 3 66.67
21 Ivan Stabic 5 8 62.50
22 kalin pather 5 9 55.56
22 Hunter Pieterse 5 9 55.56
24 Trent Wiggill 3 6 50.00
24 Stefan Gerber 3 6 50.00
24 Patrick Weirich 3 6 50.00
24 Andrew Freemantle 3 6 50.00
28 Graham Van der Merwe 1 2 50.00
29 Mauro D'Agnolo 4 9 44.44
30 Rory Plitt 5 12 41.67
30 Kealeboga Pule 5 12 41.67
32 Alexander Corder 4 10 40.00
33 Benjamin SCHEEPERS 3 9 33.33
34 Michael Tedman 2 6 33.33
35 Craig POURNARA 1 3 33.33
35 Massimo Iovino 1 3 33.33
37 Lucas Liepner 2 7 28.57
38 Hans Shrader 2 8 25.00
39 Oliver Mayhew 2 9 22.22
39 Brent Pinkney 2 9 22.22
41 Deon ELS 1 6 16.67
42 Frank BRISCOE 1 9 11.11
43 Massimo Tommei 1 12 8.33
44 Garvin Magenga 0 9 0.00
45 Wesley Cox 0 6 0.00
45 Targo Dove 0 6 0.00
47 Leon DU TOIT 0 3 0.00
47 Karl GEBHARDT 0 3 0.00
47 Patric Osburn 0 3 0.00
50 Herman WOEST 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Rory Plitt 50.00 2 2
2 Kealeboga Pule 50.00 2 2
3 Warren Fine 0.00 3 0
4 Rory Plitt 50.00 2 2
5 Kealeboga Pule 0.00 1 2
6 Rory Plitt 25.00 1 3
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Rory Plitt 500 500 0
1 Massimo Tommei 1097 1097 0
1 Kealeboga Pule 600 600 0
4 Alexander Corder 501 501 0
5 Frank BRISCOE 848 848 0
5 Warren Fine 813 813 0
5 Garvin Magenga 586 586 0
5 Chris Boulle 391 391 0
5 kalin pather 224 224 0
5 Benjamin SCHEEPERS 473 473 0
5 Alex Cook 600 600 0
5 Hunter Pieterse 648 648 0
5 Oliver Mayhew 481 481 0
5 Mauro D'Agnolo 386 386 0
5 Luca Muscardin 600 600 0
5 David Griesel 524 524 0
5 Brent Pinkney 297 297 0
5 Brad James 617 617 0
19 Ivan Stabic 1105 1105 0
19 Hans Shrader 600 600 0
21 Lucas Liepner 399 399 0
22 Wesley Cox 1287 1287 0
22 Andrew Cook 750 750 0
22 Deon ELS 594 594 0
22 Sean Zeegers 139 139 0
22 Trent Wiggill 840 840 0
22 Stefan Gerber 116 116 0
22 Targo Dove 116 116 0
22 Fausto PIETROBON 1065 1065 0
22 Patrick Weirich 642 642 0
22 Andrew Freemantle 600 600 0
22 Michael Tedman 600 600 0
33 Julian LEE 506 506 0
33 Leon DU TOIT 810 810 0
33 Geoff Jennett 1154 1154 0
33 Paul Holmes 846 846 0
33 Karl GEBHARDT 211 211 0
33 Richard Levey 603 603 0
33 Neil Van Asselt 469 469 0
33 Clive Fenton 572 572 0
33 Grant van den Berg 856 856 0
33 Craig POURNARA 608 608 0
33 Patric Osburn 1236 1236 0
33 Riekerd Labuschagne 1280 1280 0
33 Wayne Viljoen 760 760 0
33 Massimo Iovino 600 600 0
33 Vasilios CARIPI 1151 1151 0
33 Demetrius CARIPI 1151 1151 0
49 Graham Van der Merwe 404 404 0
50 Herman WOEST 458 458 0
Biggest Rating Gain from a Single Match
# Name Gain
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Garvin Magenga 9 9 100.00
2 Wesley Cox 6 6 100.00
2 Targo Dove 6 6 100.00
4 Leon DU TOIT 3 3 100.00
4 Karl GEBHARDT 3 3 100.00
4 Patric Osburn 3 3 100.00
7 Herman WOEST 1 1 100.00
8 Massimo Tommei 11 12 91.67
9 Frank BRISCOE 8 9 88.89
10 Deon ELS 5 6 83.33
11 Oliver Mayhew 7 9 77.78
11 Brent Pinkney 7 9 77.78
13 Hans Shrader 6 8 75.00
14 Lucas Liepner 5 7 71.43
15 Benjamin SCHEEPERS 6 9 66.67
16 Michael Tedman 4 6 66.67
17 Craig POURNARA 2 3 66.67
17 Massimo Iovino 2 3 66.67
19 Alexander Corder 6 10 60.00
20 Rory Plitt 7 12 58.33
20 Kealeboga Pule 7 12 58.33
22 Mauro D'Agnolo 5 9 55.56
23 Trent Wiggill 3 6 50.00
23 Stefan Gerber 3 6 50.00
23 Patrick Weirich 3 6 50.00
23 Andrew Freemantle 3 6 50.00
27 Graham Van der Merwe 1 2 50.00
28 kalin pather 4 9 44.44
28 Hunter Pieterse 4 9 44.44
30 Ivan Stabic 3 8 37.50
31 Warren Fine 3 9 33.33
31 Luca Muscardin 3 9 33.33
33 Geoff Jennett 1 3 33.33
33 Neil Van Asselt 1 3 33.33
33 Grant van den Berg 1 3 33.33
33 Wayne Viljoen 1 3 33.33
37 Andrew Cook 1 6 16.67
38 Chris Boulle 1 9 11.11
38 Alex Cook 1 9 11.11
40 David Griesel 0 9 0.00
40 Brad James 0 9 0.00
42 Sean Zeegers 0 6 0.00
42 Fausto PIETROBON 0 6 0.00
44 Julian LEE 0 3 0.00
44 Paul Holmes 0 3 0.00
44 Richard Levey 0 3 0.00
44 Clive Fenton 0 3 0.00
44 Riekerd Labuschagne 0 3 0.00
44 Vasilios CARIPI 0 3 0.00
44 Demetrius CARIPI 0 3 0.00