Division 3: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Edward de Zylva 12 12 100.00
2 Christabelle Choo 10 11 90.91
3 Catherine Neave 9 10 90.00
4 Stephen Janssens 5 6 83.33
5 Lucy Keogh 9 12 75.00
6 Hunter Dawe 5 7 71.43
7 Adam Regulic 7 10 70.00
8 Alex Potter 6 9 66.67
8 Henry de Zylva 6 9 66.67
10 Lachlan Lloyd 8 13 61.54
11 Isaac Belling 5 9 55.56
12 Harrison Swavley 4 8 50.00
13 3 8 37.50
13 Kiara Ward 3 8 37.50
15 William Reading 4 11 36.36
16 Samuel Cowper 4 12 33.33
17 Joseph Peak 2 6 33.33
18 Aaron Dawes 2 7 28.57
19 Thomas Mettam 2 8 25.00
20 Aiden Hampson 2 9 22.22
21 Thomas Reading 2 10 20.00
22 Aidan Belling 1 7 14.29
23 Quin Bourke 1 10 10.00
24 Jamie Potter 0 11 0.00
25 Douglas Senekal 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Douglas Senekal 910
2 Catherine Neave 609
3 Christabelle Choo 595
4 Kiara Ward 576
5 Lucy Keogh 568
6 Samuel Cowper 557
7 Aaron Dawes 544
8 Joseph Peak 533
9 510
10 Adam Regulic 494
11 Lachlan Lloyd 489
12 Jamie Potter 486
13 Isaac Belling 462
14 Hunter Dawe 456
15 Henry de Zylva 452
16 Edward de Zylva 431
17 Alex Potter 425
18 Stephen Janssens 414
19 Harrison Swavley 409
20 Quin Bourke 397
21 Thomas Reading 396
22 William Reading 388
23 Aidan Belling 383
24 Aiden Hampson 382
25 Thomas Mettam 363
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Christabelle Choo 90.91 10 1
2 Hunter Dawe 83.33 5 1
3 Edward de Zylva 100.00 12 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Hunter Dawe 2 2 100.00
1 Edward de Zylva 2 2 100.00
3 Christabelle Choo 1 1 100.00
4 Henry de Zylva 2 4 50.00
5 Aidan Belling 1 2 50.00
5 Thomas Mettam 1 2 50.00
5 Alex Potter 1 2 50.00
5 Isaac Belling 1 2 50.00
5 1 2 50.00
10 Harrison Swavley 2 6 33.33
11 Lachlan Lloyd 1 3 33.33
11 Adam Regulic 1 3 33.33
13 Lucy Keogh 1 4 25.00
13 Joseph Peak 1 4 25.00
15 Samuel Cowper 1 5 20.00
15 Quin Bourke 1 5 20.00
15 Aiden Hampson 1 5 20.00
18 Thomas Reading 1 8 12.50
19 William Reading 7 0.00
20 Jamie Potter 6 0.00
21 Kiara Ward 3 0.00
22 Aaron Dawes 2 0.00
23 Stephen Janssens 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Joseph Peak 348 533 185
2 Aiden Hampson 352 382 30
3 Alex Potter 400 425 25
4 Thomas Reading 384 396 12
5 Catherine Neave 600 609 9
5 Adam Regulic 485 494 9
7 Christabelle Choo 588 595 7
8 William Reading 393 388 -5
9 Edward de Zylva 443 431 -12
10 Jamie Potter 500 486 -14
11 Kiara Ward 591 576 -15
12 Harrison Swavley 432 409 -23
13 Lucy Keogh 592 568 -24
14 Samuel Cowper 590 557 -33
15 Isaac Belling 500 462 -38
16 Lachlan Lloyd 539 489 -50
17 600 510 -90
18 Thomas Mettam 500 363 -137
19 Douglas Senekal 1067 910 -157
20 Aaron Dawes 709 544 -165
21 Stephen Janssens 600 414 -186
22 Quin Bourke 600 397 -203
23 Aidan Belling 600 383 -217
24 Hunter Dawe 791 456 -335
25 Henry de Zylva 816 452 -364
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Jamie Potter 11 11 100.00
2 Douglas Senekal 1 1 100.00
3 Quin Bourke 9 10 90.00
4 Aidan Belling 6 7 85.71
5 Thomas Reading 8 10 80.00
6 Aiden Hampson 7 9 77.78
7 Thomas Mettam 6 8 75.00
8 Aaron Dawes 5 7 71.43
9 Samuel Cowper 8 12 66.67
10 Joseph Peak 4 6 66.67
11 William Reading 7 11 63.64
12 5 8 62.50
12 Kiara Ward 5 8 62.50
14 Harrison Swavley 4 8 50.00
15 Isaac Belling 4 9 44.44
16 Lachlan Lloyd 5 13 38.46
17 Alex Potter 3 9 33.33
17 Henry de Zylva 3 9 33.33
19 Adam Regulic 3 10 30.00
20 Hunter Dawe 2 7 28.57
21 Lucy Keogh 3 12 25.00
22 Stephen Janssens 1 6 16.67
23 Catherine Neave 1 10 10.00
24 Christabelle Choo 1 11 9.09
25 Edward de Zylva 0 12 0.00