3rd League: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Irwin Naidoo 14 14 100.00
2 Ravi Govender 3 3 100.00
3 Melvyn Cochrane 2 2 100.00
3 Trevor Fryer 2 2 100.00
5 Mohammed Muslim 1 1 100.00
5 Kevin Payne 1 1 100.00
5 Martin Cramer 1 1 100.00
8 Mike Botha 11 12 91.67
9 Jeff Smithers 6 7 85.71
10 Eric Bothma 10 12 83.33
11 Ryan Berrington-Smit… 4 5 80.00
12 Bruce Scott-Shaw 11 14 78.57
13 Donovan Savirimuthu 9 12 75.00
14 Ismail Rawat 9 13 69.23
15 mohamed shuaib cassi… 2 3 66.67
16 Andrew Barnes 8 13 61.54
16 Steve Ivan Colenbran… 8 13 61.54
18 Bert Koning 3 5 60.00
19 Maxine Gouweloos 7 12 58.33
19 Tim Machpesh 7 12 58.33
21 Aaron Vahey 8 14 57.14
21 Craig Crawford 8 14 57.14
23 Alan Hansen 5 9 55.56
24 Mark Hempson 6 11 54.55
24 Craig Pieters 6 11 54.55
24 Ebrahim Varachia 6 11 54.55
27 Ryan Begg 7 13 53.85
28 Matthew Wills 6 12 50.00
29 Kevin Wood 4 8 50.00
30 Simon Moore 6 13 46.15
30 Abdul Muslim 6 13 46.15
32 Dieter Steiner 5 12 41.67
32 Craig Buxton-Forman 5 12 41.67
34 Jason Breedt 2 5 40.00
35 Rachael Barnard 5 13 38.46
35 Stephen Anderson 5 13 38.46
37 Jared Bestbier 1 3 33.33
37 Cameron Marion 1 3 33.33
39 Sjors Gouweloos 3 12 25.00
40 Jonathan Marshall 2 9 22.22
40 Garth Jenkin 2 9 22.22
40 Rowan Welsford 2 9 22.22
43 Darryl Lourens 2 14 14.29
44 Andre Scheepers 1 7 14.29
45 Louis Cramer 1 13 7.69
46 Paul Hardman 0 11 0.00
47 Veer Premchund 0 7 0.00
48 Bruce Koller 0 3 0.00
49 Mark Rautenbach 0 1 0.00
49 Warwick Hulbert 0 1 0.00
49 Chad Newman 0 1 0.00
49 Laurie Butlin 0 1 0.00
49 Taki Anastasis 0 1 0.00
49 Neil Lewis 0 1 0.00
49 Chris Bentley 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Irwin Naidoo 1401
2 Mohammed Muslim 1354
3 Eric Bothma 1330
4 Jeff Smithers 1327
5 Bruce Scott-Shaw 1318
6 Mike Botha 1312
7 Craig Crawford 1296
8 mohamed shuaib cassi… 1290
9 Melvyn Cochrane 1289
10 Maxine Gouweloos 1282
10 Craig Pieters 1282
10 Ravi Govender 1282
10 Martin Cramer 1282
14 Sjors Gouweloos 1281
14 Andrew Barnes 1281
14 Steve Ivan Colenbran… 1281
17 Ismail Rawat 1280
18 Taki Anastasis 1277
19 Matthew Wills 1275
20 Jason Breedt 1274
21 Trevor Fryer 1268
22 Abdul Muslim 1267
23 Ebrahim Varachia 1245
24 Kevin Payne 1242
25 Mark Hempson 1230
26 Rachael Barnard 1228
27 Alan Hansen 1226
28 Stephen Anderson 1211
29 Bruce Koller 1200
30 Tim Machpesh 1195
31 Louis Cramer 1194
32 Simon Moore 1189
33 Bert Koning 1177
34 Donovan Savirimuthu 1173
35 Craig Buxton-Forman 1167
36 Garth Jenkin 1153
36 Mark Rautenbach 1153
38 Darryl Lourens 1150
39 Rowan Welsford 1148
40 Cameron Marion 1145
41 Dieter Steiner 1141
42 Paul Hardman 1134
43 Jared Bestbier 1121
44 Chris Bentley 1119
45 Ryan Berrington-Smit… 1114
46 Andre Scheepers 1089
47 Laurie Butlin 1056
48 Kevin Wood 1019
49 Ryan Begg 951
50 Aaron Vahey 946
51 Veer Premchund 848
52 Neil Lewis 822
53 Warwick Hulbert 705
54 Jonathan Marshall 642
55 Chad Newman 509
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Irwin Naidoo 100.00 14 0
2 Mike Botha 91.67 11 1
3 Andrew Barnes 100.00 5 0
4 Eric Bothma 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Ryan Berrington-Smit… 3 3 100.00
1 Mike Botha 3 3 100.00
3 Eric Bothma 1 1 100.00
4 Ismail Rawat 2 3 66.67
5 Bert Koning 3 5 60.00
6 Kevin Wood 4 7 57.14
7 Ryan Begg 7 13 53.85
7 Aaron Vahey 7 13 53.85
9 Tim Machpesh 4 8 50.00
9 Abdul Muslim 4 8 50.00
11 Mark Hempson 3 6 50.00
12 Alan Hansen 2 4 50.00
13 Andrew Barnes 1 2 50.00
13 Donovan Savirimuthu 1 2 50.00
13 Ebrahim Varachia 1 2 50.00
16 Craig Crawford 3 7 42.86
17 Rachael Barnard 2 5 40.00
17 Steve Ivan Colenbran… 2 5 40.00
19 Dieter Steiner 3 8 37.50
20 Matthew Wills 2 6 33.33
21 Jared Bestbier 1 3 33.33
21 Craig Pieters 1 3 33.33
23 Stephen Anderson 3 10 30.00
24 Simon Moore 2 7 28.57
25 Jonathan Marshall 2 9 22.22
26 Maxine Gouweloos 1 5 20.00
27 Darryl Lourens 2 13 15.38
28 Louis Cramer 1 11 9.09
29 Paul Hardman 10 0.00
30 Veer Premchund 7 0.00
31 Rowan Welsford 5 0.00
31 Craig Buxton-Forman 5 0.00
33 Andre Scheepers 4 0.00
34 Sjors Gouweloos 3 0.00
35 Cameron Marion 2 0.00
35 Bruce Scott-Shaw 2 0.00
35 Garth Jenkin 2 0.00
35 Bruce Koller 2 0.00
39 Jason Breedt 1 0.00
39 Warwick Hulbert 1 0.00
39 Chad Newman 1 0.00
39 Taki Anastasis 1 0.00
39 Neil Lewis 1 0.00
39 Chris Bentley 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 mohamed shuaib cassi… 600 1290 690
2 Jared Bestbier 834 1121 287
3 Ryan Begg 735 951 216
4 Ryan Berrington-Smit… 910 1114 204
5 Aaron Vahey 752 946 194
6 Tim Machpesh 1062 1195 133
7 Kevin Wood 912 1019 107
8 Bert Koning 1094 1177 83
9 Dieter Steiner 1066 1141 75
10 Jonathan Marshall 568 642 74
11 Warwick Hulbert 636 705 69
12 Mike Botha 1254 1312 58
13 Veer Premchund 790 848 58
14 Irwin Naidoo 1355 1401 46
15 Stephen Anderson 1168 1211 43
16 Eric Bothma 1287 1330 43
17 Simon Moore 1148 1189 41
18 Darryl Lourens 1118 1150 32
19 Rachael Barnard 1199 1228 29
20 Abdul Muslim 1242 1267 25
21 Mark Rautenbach 1133 1153 20
22 Louis Cramer 1178 1194 16
23 Bruce Scott-Shaw 1307 1318 11
24 Mark Hempson 1221 1230 9
25 Matthew Wills 1267 1275 8
26 Craig Crawford 1291 1296 5
27 Neil Lewis 820 822 2
28 Cameron Marion 1144 1145 1
28 Ravi Govender 1281 1282 1
30 Chad Newman 509 509 0
31 Paul Hardman 1135 1134 -1
32 Ismail Rawat 1283 1280 -3
33 Taki Anastasis 1280 1277 -3
34 Mohammed Muslim 1358 1354 -4
35 Steve Ivan Colenbran… 1286 1281 -5
36 Alan Hansen 1232 1226 -6
37 Jeff Smithers 1333 1327 -6
38 Melvyn Cochrane 1295 1289 -6
39 Laurie Butlin 1064 1056 -8
40 Maxine Gouweloos 1294 1282 -12
40 Donovan Savirimuthu 1185 1173 -12
42 Martin Cramer 1297 1282 -15
43 Rowan Welsford 1166 1148 -18
44 Andrew Barnes 1300 1281 -19
45 Trevor Fryer 1287 1268 -19
46 Kevin Payne 1261 1242 -19
47 Craig Buxton-Forman 1192 1167 -25
48 Craig Pieters 1309 1282 -27
49 Andre Scheepers 1120 1089 -31
50 Bruce Koller 1233 1200 -33
51 Garth Jenkin 1190 1153 -37
52 Ebrahim Varachia 1284 1245 -39
53 Jason Breedt 1314 1274 -40
54 Chris Bentley 1162 1119 -43
55 Sjors Gouweloos 1334 1281 -53
Biggest Rating Gain from a Single Match
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Paul Hardman 11 11 100.00
2 Veer Premchund 7 7 100.00
3 Bruce Koller 3 3 100.00
4 Mark Rautenbach 1 1 100.00
4 Warwick Hulbert 1 1 100.00
4 Chad Newman 1 1 100.00
4 Laurie Butlin 1 1 100.00
4 Taki Anastasis 1 1 100.00
4 Neil Lewis 1 1 100.00
4 Chris Bentley 1 1 100.00
11 Louis Cramer 12 13 92.31
12 Darryl Lourens 12 14 85.71
13 Andre Scheepers 6 7 85.71
14 Jonathan Marshall 7 9 77.78
14 Garth Jenkin 7 9 77.78
14 Rowan Welsford 7 9 77.78
17 Sjors Gouweloos 9 12 75.00
18 Jared Bestbier 2 3 66.67
18 Cameron Marion 2 3 66.67
20 Rachael Barnard 8 13 61.54
20 Stephen Anderson 8 13 61.54
22 Jason Breedt 3 5 60.00
23 Dieter Steiner 7 12 58.33
23 Craig Buxton-Forman 7 12 58.33
25 Simon Moore 7 13 53.85
25 Abdul Muslim 7 13 53.85
27 Matthew Wills 6 12 50.00
28 Kevin Wood 4 8 50.00
29 Ryan Begg 6 13 46.15
30 Mark Hempson 5 11 45.45
30 Craig Pieters 5 11 45.45
30 Ebrahim Varachia 5 11 45.45
33 Alan Hansen 4 9 44.44
34 Aaron Vahey 6 14 42.86
34 Craig Crawford 6 14 42.86
36 Maxine Gouweloos 5 12 41.67
36 Tim Machpesh 5 12 41.67
38 Bert Koning 2 5 40.00
39 Andrew Barnes 5 13 38.46
39 Steve Ivan Colenbran… 5 13 38.46
41 mohamed shuaib cassi… 1 3 33.33
42 Ismail Rawat 4 13 30.77
43 Donovan Savirimuthu 3 12 25.00
44 Bruce Scott-Shaw 3 14 21.43
45 Ryan Berrington-Smit… 1 5 20.00
46 Eric Bothma 2 12 16.67
47 Jeff Smithers 1 7 14.29
48 Mike Botha 1 12 8.33
49 Irwin Naidoo 0 14 0.00
50 Ravi Govender 0 3 0.00
51 Melvyn Cochrane 0 2 0.00
51 Trevor Fryer 0 2 0.00
53 Mohammed Muslim 0 1 0.00
53 Kevin Payne 0 1 0.00
53 Martin Cramer 0 1 0.00