Division 2: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Lachlan Mcrae 2 2 100.00
2 Michael Chaaya 1 1 100.00
2 William Scott 1 1 100.00
2 Peter Vogler 1 1 100.00
2 Harrison Vogler 1 1 100.00
2 Darryl Pearse 1 1 100.00
7 Gavin Fiddyment 14 16 87.50
7 Tom Land 14 16 87.50
9 Will Lindsay 12 16 75.00
10 Trevor Wollington 3 4 75.00
11 Euver Naranjo 15 21 71.43
12 bam bang 12 17 70.59
12 Shane Haynes 12 17 70.59
14 Ivan Dell 11 16 68.75
15 Chris Terry 8 12 66.67
16 Chris BOYLE 2 3 66.67
17 Mark Hayne 7 11 63.64
18 Tome Necevski 6 10 60.00
19 Stephen Mills 4 7 57.14
19 Michael Tanner 4 7 57.14
21 Dave Flynn 5 9 55.56
22 Jane Mohr 6 11 54.55
23 Andrew Mcgrath 7 14 50.00
24 Brad Davies 6 12 50.00
25 Elaine Joubert 4 8 50.00
26 Adrian Littee 2 4 50.00
27 James Bealey 1 2 50.00
27 travis casuscelli 1 2 50.00
29 Amy Condon 6 13 46.15
30 Brett Lloyd 8 18 44.44
31 Craig Wilson 7 17 41.18
32 Ian Leggat 4 10 40.00
33 Ken Ewald 3 8 37.50
33 Scott Stevenson 3 8 37.50
35 Petri Barnard 5 14 35.71
36 Sally Bowes 3 9 33.33
37 Ross Hyytinen 4 13 30.77
37 Steve Murphy 4 13 30.77
39 Tony Clarke 3 10 30.00
40 Jim Calvert 2 7 28.57
40 Martin Wilkinson 2 7 28.57
42 Paul Van Wijk 2 10 20.00
43 Marilyn Kennedy 1 6 16.67
44 Maria Mills 1 18 5.56
45 Shane Morrison 0 12 0.00
46 Marisa Zavattaro 0 3 0.00
47 Anthony Grice 0 1 0.00
47 Marshall Clark 0 1 0.00
47 Carole Burrow 0 1 0.00
47 Scott Albertson 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Lachlan Mcrae 1223
2 Stephen Mills 1175
2 Chris BOYLE 1175
4 Dave Flynn 1172
5 Michael Chaaya 1168
6 Darryl Pearse 1166
7 Michael Tanner 1161
8 Ivan Dell 1160
8 Ross Hyytinen 1160
10 Will Lindsay 1147
11 bam bang 1137
11 travis casuscelli 1137
13 Gavin Fiddyment 1133
13 Marshall Clark 1133
15 Tom Land 1122
16 Craig Wilson 1110
17 Adrian Littee 1109
18 Mark Hayne 1102
19 Brad Davies 1101
20 Peter Vogler 1099
21 Shane Haynes 1096
22 Euver Naranjo 1083
23 Petri Barnard 1079
24 Tony Clarke 1075
25 Sally Bowes 1070
26 Steve Murphy 1063
27 Brett Lloyd 1061
28 Elaine Joubert 1060
29 Tome Necevski 1057
30 Jane Mohr 1055
31 Jim Calvert 1047
32 Ian Leggat 1045
33 Andrew Mcgrath 1031
34 James Bealey 1028
34 William Scott 1028
36 Trevor Wollington 1027
37 Chris Terry 1026
38 Paul Van Wijk 1024
39 Ken Ewald 1021
40 Scott Albertson 1008
41 Martin Wilkinson 1004
42 Anthony Grice 999
43 Scott Stevenson 988
44 Maria Mills 981
45 Harrison Vogler 961
46 Marisa Zavattaro 960
47 Amy Condon 951
47 Marilyn Kennedy 951
49 Carole Burrow 948
50 Shane Morrison 897
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Gavin Fiddyment 83.33 5 1
2 Gavin Fiddyment 88.89 8 1
3 Tom Land 91.67 11 1
4 Chris Terry 80.00 8 2
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Michael Chaaya 1 1 100.00
1 William Scott 1 1 100.00
1 Harrison Vogler 1 1 100.00
1 Lachlan Mcrae 1 1 100.00
1 Darryl Pearse 1 1 100.00
6 Tom Land 4 5 80.00
6 Ivan Dell 4 5 80.00
8 Gavin Fiddyment 3 4 75.00
9 Will Lindsay 5 7 71.43
10 bam bang 3 5 60.00
11 Brett Lloyd 8 15 53.33
12 Michael Tanner 1 2 50.00
13 Mark Hayne 2 5 40.00
14 Scott Stevenson 3 8 37.50
15 Amy Condon 4 11 36.36
16 Andrew Mcgrath 3 9 33.33
17 Brad Davies 2 6 33.33
17 Jane Mohr 2 6 33.33
19 Ross Hyytinen 2 7 28.57
19 Ian Leggat 2 7 28.57
21 Craig Wilson 3 11 27.27
22 Euver Naranjo 2 8 25.00
23 Ken Ewald 1 4 25.00
24 Paul Van Wijk 2 10 20.00
24 Steve Murphy 2 10 20.00
26 Shane Haynes 1 5 20.00
26 Martin Wilkinson 1 5 20.00
28 Maria Mills 15 0.00
29 Shane Morrison 11 0.00
30 Petri Barnard 6 0.00
31 Sally Bowes 5 0.00
32 Elaine Joubert 3 0.00
32 Chris Terry 3 0.00
32 Marilyn Kennedy 3 0.00
35 Jim Calvert 2 0.00
35 Tony Clarke 2 0.00
35 Marisa Zavattaro 2 0.00
35 Tome Necevski 2 0.00
39 Dave Flynn 1 0.00
39 Anthony Grice 1 0.00
39 Adrian Littee 1 0.00
39 Scott Albertson 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 James Bealey 600 1028 428
2 William Scott 725 1028 303
3 Lachlan Mcrae 1128 1223 95
4 Amy Condon 894 951 57
5 travis casuscelli 1083 1137 54
6 Craig Wilson 1060 1110 50
7 Brett Lloyd 1012 1061 49
8 Tom Land 1073 1122 49
9 Will Lindsay 1099 1147 48
10 bam bang 1091 1137 46
11 Euver Naranjo 1040 1083 43
12 Michael Chaaya 1128 1168 40
13 Mark Hayne 1065 1102 37
14 Maria Mills 947 981 34
15 Andrew Mcgrath 999 1031 32
16 Ian Leggat 1014 1045 31
17 Paul Van Wijk 1002 1024 22
18 Ken Ewald 999 1021 22
18 Scott Stevenson 966 988 22
20 Shane Haynes 1075 1096 21
21 Brad Davies 1081 1101 20
22 Martin Wilkinson 984 1004 20
23 Gavin Fiddyment 1114 1133 19
24 Peter Vogler 1080 1099 19
25 Ivan Dell 1146 1160 14
26 Tome Necevski 1043 1057 14
27 Adrian Littee 1098 1109 11
28 Jane Mohr 1046 1055 9
29 Scott Albertson 1004 1008 4
30 Harrison Vogler 961 961 0
31 Shane Morrison 900 897 -3
32 Chris BOYLE 1180 1175 -5
33 Elaine Joubert 1066 1060 -6
34 Chris Terry 1034 1026 -8
35 Steve Murphy 1072 1063 -9
36 Carole Burrow 958 948 -10
37 Marshall Clark 1144 1133 -11
38 Petri Barnard 1091 1079 -12
39 Sally Bowes 1084 1070 -14
40 Michael Tanner 1175 1161 -14
41 Darryl Pearse 1182 1166 -16
42 Marilyn Kennedy 972 951 -21
43 Dave Flynn 1195 1172 -23
44 Tony Clarke 1101 1075 -26
45 Ross Hyytinen 1187 1160 -27
46 Anthony Grice 1029 999 -30
47 Jim Calvert 1081 1047 -34
48 Marisa Zavattaro 999 960 -39
49 Stephen Mills 1219 1175 -44
50 Trevor Wollington 1089 1027 -62
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Shane Morrison 12 12 100.00
2 Marisa Zavattaro 3 3 100.00
3 Anthony Grice 1 1 100.00
3 Marshall Clark 1 1 100.00
3 Carole Burrow 1 1 100.00
3 Scott Albertson 1 1 100.00
7 Maria Mills 17 18 94.44
8 Marilyn Kennedy 5 6 83.33
9 Paul Van Wijk 8 10 80.00
10 Jim Calvert 5 7 71.43
10 Martin Wilkinson 5 7 71.43
12 Tony Clarke 7 10 70.00
13 Ross Hyytinen 9 13 69.23
13 Steve Murphy 9 13 69.23
15 Sally Bowes 6 9 66.67
16 Petri Barnard 9 14 64.29
17 Ken Ewald 5 8 62.50
17 Scott Stevenson 5 8 62.50
19 Ian Leggat 6 10 60.00
20 Craig Wilson 10 17 58.82
21 Brett Lloyd 10 18 55.56
22 Amy Condon 7 13 53.85
23 Andrew Mcgrath 7 14 50.00
24 Brad Davies 6 12 50.00
25 Elaine Joubert 4 8 50.00
26 Adrian Littee 2 4 50.00
27 James Bealey 1 2 50.00
27 travis casuscelli 1 2 50.00
29 Jane Mohr 5 11 45.45
30 Dave Flynn 4 9 44.44
31 Stephen Mills 3 7 42.86
31 Michael Tanner 3 7 42.86
33 Tome Necevski 4 10 40.00
34 Mark Hayne 4 11 36.36
35 Chris Terry 4 12 33.33
36 Chris BOYLE 1 3 33.33
37 Ivan Dell 5 16 31.25
38 bam bang 5 17 29.41
38 Shane Haynes 5 17 29.41
40 Euver Naranjo 6 21 28.57
41 Will Lindsay 4 16 25.00
42 Trevor Wollington 1 4 25.00
43 Gavin Fiddyment 2 16 12.50
43 Tom Land 2 16 12.50
45 Lachlan Mcrae 0 2 0.00
46 Michael Chaaya 0 1 0.00
46 William Scott 0 1 0.00
46 Peter Vogler 0 1 0.00
46 Harrison Vogler 0 1 0.00
46 Darryl Pearse 0 1 0.00