Brooke Siver
Brooke Siver

Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada


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Brooke's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
All Singles Players Squash BC 2 11 1,478 Provisional
Squash BC Males Squash BC 2 10 1,478 Provisional
40 Plus Men Squash BC 2 10 1,478 Provisional
45 Plus Men Squash BC 2 10 1,478 Provisional
50 Plus Men Squash BC 2 9 1,478 Provisional
55 Plus Men Squash BC 1 8 1,478 Provisional
60 Plus Men Squash BC 1 8 1,478 Provisional
Squash BC Member Males (active & inactive) Squash BC 2 10 1,478 Provisional
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