Daneel Bester
Daneel Bester

Somerset West, Western Cape, South Africa


SportyHQ Rating


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Daneel's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
MS Tennis South Africa Custom 572 1993 89,135
MD Tennis South Africa Custom 534 1468 79,100
BS 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 146 437 89,135
BD 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 121 311 79,100
MS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 376 1521 89,135
Mens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 562 2049 108,910
BS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 216 1095 89,135
BS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 373 1422 89,135
BS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 443 1393 89,135
Boys U16 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 144 441 108,910
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Jamie Roux

Somerset West, Western Cape, South Africa

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