Divan Reinecke
Divan Reinecke

Vryburg, North West, South Africa


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Divan's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
MS Tennis South Africa Custom 938 1993 41,645
MD Tennis South Africa Custom 834 1468 38,800
BS 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 227 437 41,645
BD 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 198 311 38,800
MS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 642 1521 41,645
Mens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 920 2049 51,345
BS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 390 1095 41,645
BS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 632 1422 41,645
BS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 710 1393 41,645
Boys U16 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 219 441 51,345
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Divan's fans

Petri Eksteen

Kathu, Northern Cape, South Africa

Sebastiaan Erasmus

Magogong, Northern Cape, South Africa
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