Thabo Chimombe
Thabo Chimombe

Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa


SportyHQ Rating


Rating Confidence


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Matches All Time

Thabo's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
MS Tennis South Africa Custom 862 1979 47,770
MD Tennis South Africa Custom 599 1465 64,600
BS 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 208 431 47,770
BD 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 141 313 64,600
MS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 582 1503 47,770
Mens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 801 2036 63,920
BS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 353 1085 47,770
BS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 575 1414 47,770
BS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 655 1389 47,770
Boys U16 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 189 435 63,920

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